- (@elforesto) RT @boxee: the FCC chairman's speech about Net Neutrality http://bit.ly/49PTO9 #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) FairPoint faces delisting from the NYSE. http://is.gd/3zp34 #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) FCC: does it need a reboot or a wipe and reload? http://is.gd/3BTcj #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Comcast tries to keep people from jumping to OpenDNS. http://is.gd/3BTem #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Network neutrality is a reaction to AT&T's attempt to double-dip for data. http://is.gd/3DFA1 #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Republicans drop opposition to net neutrality. http://is.gd/3DHbT #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) WV AG doesn't buy the official Verizon/Fontier line. http://is.gd/3DHXa #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) White spaces could be worth up to $15B in economic activity. http://is.gd/3F877 #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Verizon thinks 100Mbps is crazy talk. (Give me 100Mbps and I'll find a use.) http://is.gd/3Frhq #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) The fight between Google and AT&T is getting nasty. http://is.gd/3Hd00 #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Net neutrality can lead to bigger ISP profits. http://is.gd/3Hd5p #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) More broadband astroturf. http://is.gd/3Hd2h #freeutopia #
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