- Broadband Bytes for 2014-12-12 http://t.co/URGTlmNZoF ->
- Cable is dying and that's why cablecos are trying to wring money out of data. http://t.co/csc1uSCTLG ->
- Google wants a fiber lobbist in SLC. http://t.co/Tla3Eip8bD ->
- Comcast bumps speeds in SLC (press release). http://t.co/SqxsBMUuPk ->
- The question not asked: how much did Roku pay to bribe Comcast? http://t.co/6r7L1d7ijj ->
- CenturyLink is upset that its neglected rural DSL won't get subsidies anymore. http://t.co/AI4H6wJ3LW ->
- Hey, remember when incumbents said that treating them like utilities would harm investment? Good times. http://t.co/pxjEWKphvP ->
- The MPAA wants to REALLY break the Internet. http://t.co/0EH2oxzbYy ->
- Guys, it's not encryption when you include an NSA backdoor. http://t.co/F4KmYIF815 ->
- Telecoms know how to use the revolving door to score big government contracts. http://t.co/0vSVKNAOeE ->
- Over half of net neutrality comments were submitted by sock puppet opponents. http://t.co/Je1QfakQ6K ->
- UTOPIA's latest financial report is out. [PDF] http://t.co/UVNBQr1b2y ->
- For $2500 and $35/mo, you can get up to gigabit service in San Francisco. http://t.co/ZUtUrFV3V6 ->
- Remember Tucows? They want a slice of the gigabit FTTH game too. http://t.co/7mHylp0lgq ->
- US Department of Commerce: lots of competition for crappy broadband, little for the good stuff. http://t.co/loPNDJl8M4 ->
- Only 3% of the US has gigabit. And there's no competition at that speed. http://t.co/BGw2sds9il ->
- Verizon is adamant that they can shake down whoever they want. http://t.co/TOtLpiojmg ->
- Google isn't as good for gigabit as you think it is. http://t.co/iX0kW5qK0p ->
- Now you can pay even more for crappy first-gen DSL. http://t.co/FEATfTV2XJ ->
- Title II bill author not-so-patiently explains that it doesn't have any taxes in it. http://t.co/N1rGNUSDU9 ->
- I called it: Google is slowing down Fiber deployments substantially. http://t.co/uZvbKzVUGP ->
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