First FreeUTOPIA Podcast This Saturday

The first FreeUTOPIA podcast will be recorded live this Saturday Feburary 14 at 1:30PM. You can listen in using Teamspeak and we may even take some “callers”. The conversation will be moderated, but Teamspeak does support text chat. To join in, connect to and join the Podcast channel.

If you can questions you’d like me to ask during the podcast or topics you’d like us to discuss, post them in the comments or use Twitter with the #freeutopia hashtag.

Centerville Inches Closer to RDA-Funded Fiber Hub Despite SB205 Threat

Centerville is getting closer to using RDA money to build a fiber hub in the city even as the threat of Sen. Bramble’s RDA amendments loom. The city council was unanimuous in voting to draft final documents to make it all happen. Once built, it would rescue about $2M worth of “stranded investment” at a cost of around $100K.

Sen. Bramble’s boxcar legislation for the changes, SB205, may contain provisions that would allow such carrier-neutral infrastructure to be built with RDA money, but there’s still a very strong chance that the provision would be nixed and telecom spending banned outright. You’d better contact your state senators and representatives to make them aware of what’s coming.

UPDATE: The Standard-Examiner has more on the story.

UTOPIA Mobile Home Spotted in Brigham City

Commenter Dave has noted that he has seen UTOPIA’s mobile home cruising the streets of Brigham City. From what I’ve heard, this is being used as a mobile office to provide local demonstrations and provide local support ahead of any marketing efforts. Don’t know if they were passing through for gas on their way to Tremonton or if it means that service in Brigham is right around the corner. Your best bet is to call up UTOPIA or one of its providers to find out if service is available to you.

Is the wait over in Layton? UTOPIA service may be available!

Forum commenter mabuxton reports that they’re getting UTOPIA installed at their Layton home in just two weeks. XMission and two other providers (I’m guessing FuzeCore and Nuvont) are reportedly going to have residential service available in the area and you can sign up for the install right now. If you’ve been waiting with baited breath to get UTOPIA service in the city, now is the time to call!

Broadband Bytes: January 31-February 6, 2009

It feels like the summer TV season as most of the news this week is reruns from last week. The DTV delay and broadband stimulus continue to dominate the news headlines. We also saw the launch of Lafayette’s fiber project, some new gadget news and more bad news from device manufacturers and SPs. All this and more in this week’s Broadband Bytes!

Is Frontier Blowing Smoke on LNP?

After posting that Frontier Communications was giving competing telcos a hard time with porting numbers, commenter Aaron Wilcox, the Utah Account Manager for Frontier, advised that Frontier would be more than happy to port numbers given the proper paperwork was filed with the Utah Public Services Commission. At least one service provider called bunk on that claim citing that under current telecommunications law, the Utah PSC doesn’t issue the Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity that Aaron refers to if the service area in question has less than 5,000 lines. Documents I received from the PSC indicated that they suspended LNP waivers for rural telecoms, but those documents only reference wireline-to-wireless transfers, not wireline-to-wireline.

So which is it? Can customers in Tremonton port their numbers or does Frontier have those numbers permanently locked down? Is the suspension of the wavier a boon only to wireless companies? Could customers get their phone number to a UTOPIA provider by transferring to a wireless carrier and then porting the number again? It sounds like Frontier has been taking advantage of the current regulatory structure and resulting confusion to keep customers locked into their service.

Sen. Bramble Looking to Ban RDA Funds for Telecom

Senator Curt “Take My Check, Pizza Girl” Bramble is working on amending RDA laws in Utah to make sure that funds aren’t spent on any telecommunications projects. This is reportedly a direct reaction to Centerville’s proposed use of RDA funds to build fiber-optic infrastructure within the city, even though the proposal on the table allows any network to use it. Sen. Bramble has a well-deserved reputation for being prickly, so be prepared if you decide to communicate directly with him.

It’s very important that you write, call or speak with your senator or representative to make sure they know how you feel about this change. UTOPIA cities are working to make sure that the language will allow for it so long as it is vendor-neutral, but your voices are much, much louder.

A Note to All Commenters

I thought the last post on this topic would have summed it up, but apparently not. I even tried to inject a little humor into the conversation so that it wouldn’t sound like I’m being a jerk or overreacting. Apparently that went in one ear and right out the other, so now it’s time to lay it all out.

To date, I’ve used a very light hand with comments both on blog posts and on the forum. I haven’t edited or deleted any comment from the site and have allowed the obvious sock puppets and trolls to do as they please, content to let the behavior and content speak for itself. I’ve never outed an anonymous commenter either, even if they probably deserved it. I think I’ve given everyone a lot of latitude to do more-or-less whatever they want around here.

All that said, I’ve got a problem with some of the piling on that some of you have engaged in. It’s not okay to continuously, over the course of months, misrepresent someone’s clearly stated position. I especially don’t like it when you push someone’s buttons over and over to get them to flip out. That’s grade school stuff, especially when you try and make them out to be the bad guy when it happens. I recently had to call crap on someone for continuing to do it and I hate that it came to that.

I’m also not looking to preach to the choir around here. That’s why I’ve used a light hand on comments and forum posts. I want both people who agree with me and disagree with me to feel welcome to say their piece. I want to be corrected when I have something wrong, something that several service providers have been gracious enough to do. When there’s roving gangs looking to purge out whatever heresy it is that they’re objecting to, that process gets ruined. Remember back before the Broadweave sale was approved and there were commenters on both sides of the issue? That’s what I’m talking about.

Guys, chill out. If all you want to do is insult other commenters, go back to 4chan where you belong. If you’ve been afraid to comment because of the trolls, ignore them. Post anyway. Don’t let them intimidate you. Good heavens, you’re grown adults. It’s time to start acting the part.

I’m not singling anyone out here. Too many have been guilty of this at some point or another to even try naming names. It’s time to move on and stop being childish. I’m not going to start moderating comments or blocking users. I’m just going to ignore anyone who proves less-than-useful in their contributions and would encourage everyone else to do the same. I spend too much time working on this site (most of it for free, I might add) to be a babysitter. If you don’t like what I’m doing, feel free to spend two and a half years building up your own blog and contacts because I don’t need your crap.

Note: Comments are closed on this post. If you have a problem with it, feel free to e-mail me, complain on your blog or whatever it is that makes you feel better.

Nuvont's Not Going Anywhere

I just spoke with a rep from Nuvont who clarified what’s going on with them. The short version is that I got only half the story and Nuvont is doing just fine.

The terminal adapter surplus was from a canceled order, but it was canceled because the product had been ordered but not delivered. Both Nuvont and the supplier came to mututally-agreeable terms to cancel and refund the undelivered shipment. Apparently the supplier then selling the leftovers either didn’t get the story straight or injected some of their own conjecture into the conversation.

Nuvont also said that they have found themselves unable to offer phone service in Tremonton just yet, but they still offer phone service in other markets. The problem is with getting available numbers from Frontier Communications, the local incumbent. This is in addition to Frontier’s refusal to port numbers for existing customers.

So there you have it. Nuvont is doing just fine.

UTOPIA Trucks Spotted in Brigham City; Is Service on the Way?

Commenter Dave noted that he has recently seen UTOPIA trucks driving around in downtown Brigham City. There’s not much indication as to what they were doing, but we do know that UTOPIA installed a fair amount of fiber backbone in the city before halting construction last spring. Tremonton saw sales crews about a month after the trucks were spotted up there splicing. As the ground thaws, we may yet see fiber service deployed in the city. Keep your eyes peeled for the door-to-door sales team.