- Broadband Bytes for 2013-08-09 http://t.co/GW6i9MIbXf ->
- Metering comes to more Comcast markets. http://t.co/rjaLkCG1eD ->
- How much is the NSA watching? A whole lot. http://t.co/YtgL6Gf8Vx ->
- It's not your imagination. XMission is a little zippier this morning. http://t.co/fILRN3fiW1 ->
- Your wired connection may be in danger. http://t.co/0wxG1j20z8 ->
- EFF declares war on server restrictions. At least one UTOPIA provider has no such terms. http://t.co/Solmr3N9f5 ->
- CenturyLink's gigabit is fiber to the press release. Shocking. http://t.co/1YDd6CiNjl ->
- UK's filtering system is already claiming collateral damage. http://t.co/dkh4RZUCzc ->
- A UTOPIA provider found a novel way to make landline service dirt cheap. http://t.co/bKaQLVYaEY ->
- Unlike most providers, Google embraces over-the-top video for on demand options. http://t.co/kMrG6YVl0r ->
- Hyperbole? Hardly. The feds have taken the Internet for themselves. http://t.co/4ZulLQGzZi ->
- Spoiler alert: the Google Fiber pricing in Provo is the same as in Kansas City. http://t.co/QiiR9GSNDD ->
- Baltimore learned that getting fiber means doing work, not wishing on a star. http://t.co/EiKPrzDmLn ->
- Streaming video may soon hit critical mass. http://t.co/XXmhUIJm9v ->
- CenturyLink wants to stop the red ink with fiber. No, not for you, silly. For cell towers. http://t.co/CQxqj8PACq ->
- Google goes down for 5 minutes… and causes a 40% drop in traffic. http://t.co/9XVjRQXgFb ->
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- Dolores Hansen Nelson on A Broadband Moonshot for Utah
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