Skipping Halloween
Yes, it's true. Shauna and I skipped Halloween. We didn't carve our pumpkin. We didn't give out candy. We didn't even answer the door any of the times it was knocked on. (Note to kids: if all of the lights...
The Story of Us.
Yes, it's true. Shauna and I skipped Halloween. We didn't carve our pumpkin. We didn't give out candy. We didn't even answer the door any of the times it was knocked on. (Note to kids: if all of the lights...
If you don't want to wear underwear while riding your bike, that's your prerogative. But please, for the love of everything good in this world, don't wear ripped jeans that advertise it to everyone in sight.
I have a really bad habit of leaving my car's headlights on. This ordinarily wouldn't be a problem since most cars have a "you left your lights on, retard" feature. This feature, however, is moot when the little door sensor...
I decided to try my hand at making a roast chicken tonight. Yes, it's true: I had never really roasted a whole chicken before. I usually took the lazy route to buy one of those grocery store birds in the...
Jason The over at The Sidetrack found a stray puppy in need of a home. If you know anyone who'd be interested in adopting what appears to be a 2-month-old collie/German shorthair mix, please go over there and let him...
We had some adventures in dog-sitting over the weekend. Our friends Bobbie and Jeremy went to Disneyland with the fam and were left without a dogsitter, so we volunteered to watch their Jack Russell Terrier (Daisy) and bichon (Max). Max...
Skirts that don't extend past mid-thigh are not appropriate work attire. This is doubly so on windy days. Triply so for thin materials.
For quite some time now, we’ve been using a pretty ghetto vacuum cleaner. I picked it up about 6-7 years ago when I first moved out and it’s since followed me through 5 dwellings and getting married. It’s been on...
A little under three weeks ago, the ancient relic that was our refrigerator started showing some early warning signs of death. It started with things kept in there not feeling quite as cool as they should. Before long, we were...