Author: Jesse

Unintentional Hilarity in Google Searches 3

Unintentional Hilarity in Google Searches

I'm pretty sure Google doesn't mean to make some suggestions to the Humane Society, but… See the original search results here. 

A Conversation While Channel-Surfing Tonight 1

A Conversation While Channel-Surfing Tonight

Shauna: "So… wanna watch American Idol?" Me: "No, because I don't want to hear another person talking about David Archuleta." Shauna: "Who's David Archuleta?" Me: "I wish I could say that." 

As Overheard Today in Sacrament Meeting 3

As Overheard Today in Sacrament Meeting

Shauna: "What's a 'family mission plan'?" Me: "I dunno. Having kids far enough apart that you can afford to pay for them?"

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital 5

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital

Me: "I was really looking forward to eating dinner tonight" Shauna: "If it makes you feel better, I haven't eaten either." Me: "Why would that make me feel better? 'Oh boy, you're hungry too'?" Stupid abdominal pains. More to follow...

My New Toy 6

My New Toy

I've been talking about getting one of these nigh on forever and on Saturday, I finally took the plunge. Say "hello Moto": Yes, it's really as cool as it looks. Camera, Bluetooth, GPS, full Internet access… it has the works...

Selling Out 3

Selling Out

You may have noticed a few extra boxes over on the right for Sponsored Links and an offer to buy advertising. It's true: a year after we thought about it, we're sellouts. Don't worry: I don't feel any particular obligation...

Even a Non-Drinker and Non-Gambler Can Enjoy Las Vegas 2

Even a Non-Drinker and Non-Gambler Can Enjoy Las Vegas

Shauna and I spent the weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate our third anniversary (go us!) and had a blast. We stayed at the Venetian (A++ would stay again), ate at some awesome restaurants and saw these guys: Holy. Crap....

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll 4

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll

As further proof in the power of the Interweb, online pranksters managed to Rickroll the New York Mets. Don't know what a Rickroll is? The Wiki can tell you more. Or you can go to Youtube and see a Rickroll...

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services 7

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services

I'm ashamed to admit that our website is powered by really ancient software. WordPress 2.1.3 was released way back when we did our server move about a year ago and it has kept our site chugging along ever since. Recently,...