Author: Jesse

A Winner Is You 2

A Winner Is You

"Free is a very competitive price." That's been one of my catchphrases for a while now and rare are the occasions where it isn't true. This past week proved it in spades. I travel quite a bit for work and...

Building a New PC 7

Building a New PC

After the death of the long-in-the-tooth desktop, I was looking forward to getting a shiny new one to replace it. I'd been intending to upgrade for a long time, but the total investment was proving to be a bit much...

Tots on a Plane 12

Tots on a Plane

I think that flying is meant to be uncomfortable by design. You cram 150+ strangers into a metal tube with recirculated air and barely enough room to shift in your seat, hoping that nothing goes wrong at you soar through...

The Question You Should Stop Asking Your Co-workers When They Are Dressed Up 3

The Question You Should Stop Asking Your Co-workers When They Are Dressed Up

I'm wearing a collared shirt with a tie today because I'm doing some on-site consulting for work. This is a departure from the normal dress around here which usually consists of jeans and some kind of collared shirt. What I...

Things I Forgot I Hated About Season 1 of Lost 6

Things I Forgot I Hated About Season 1 of Lost

… until we started watching it again this past weekend at Shauna's insistence. First off, there's Shannon. She's utterly useless (and no, the weak French translations of nonsense don't count) and spends her entire time whining, tanning (she wears at...

Return of the Roof Leaks 1

Return of the Roof Leaks

One of the first major projects we had to do when we got this house was get the roof replaced. As long-time readers may recall, the corner in the kitchen was a veritable fountain as snow melted off during our...

Quit Egging Us On 4

Quit Egging Us On

For the last couple of weeks, we've had the pleasure of playing host to Sara and her wonderful kids Max and Corina. This recent trip started off kind of bumpy when they experienced a blowout around Lagoon in the middle...

Firefox 3: One Browser to Rule Them All 10

Firefox 3: One Browser to Rule Them All

I've been using Firefox since it was known as Phoenix back in the 0.1 days and have always been really pleased with the project overall. Using Firefox has always been a pleasure with good performance, stability and extensibility. It had...

The Power of Forgiveness 4

The Power of Forgiveness

When I left Las Vegas for a new life in Utah, I also left behind several friends. Just prior to moving, I'd had a falling out with one of them that bordered on epic. Since we both had mutual friends...

He's Dead, Jim 8

He's Dead, Jim

I can count only a handful of times that I've experienced some kind of computer hardware failure. The most recent was a little over a year ago when the power supply in the desktop blew out unexpectedly. This morning, I...