- Broadband Bytes for 2017-03-24 https://t.co/IkLs4HoyKa ->
- Both of Utah's senators are cool with your ISP selling your browsing history. #utpol https://t.co/GopY3ccG4G ->
- It doesn't take a study to figure out that incumbents skip poor areas when upgrade time rolls around. https://t.co/TAkmkGPzWF ->
- An all too rare example of a city holding an incumbent accountable for its broken promises. https://t.co/4LxNmjDHx6 ->
- Thanks to a lack of investment by telcos, the duopoly is quickly becoming a monopoly. https://t.co/4R9Ol6y4EU ->
Broadband Bytes for 2017-03-31
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.