- Broadband Bytes for 2016-10-28 https://t.co/qSRLA56Ig1 ->
- There's plenty of important lessons to learn from Google's recent pratfall. https://t.co/rReXmVVAzM ->
- Hey, look! CenturyLink is still spending money on things that aren't FTTH. https://t.co/qbMrDFDD5p ->
- Google is also getting in on the over-the-top streaming business. https://t.co/gskFQ9L5x8 ->
- Comcast to show up at the gigabit dinner party about halfway through dessert. https://t.co/zZJzSKH3lo ->
- The FCC would really like pole access to be much, much easier. https://t.co/je4zoiinCu ->
- XMission is starting a new gigabit price war. https://t.co/dVJdZ8xFKw ->
- Most Comcast users can do jack squat about caps because there's little, if any, competition. https://t.co/1ljpiIIKCB ->
- You can't hike prices forever, cable. https://t.co/PcxvfjKgMF ->
- Google says current Fiber cities have nothing to worry about. https://t.co/LjhP6CZoQJ ->
Broadband Bytes for 2016-11-04
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