- Broadband Bytes for 2016-07-15 https://t.co/E1ptpiHkKc ->
- Good news: crappy copper can finally die. https://t.co/qjcGfD4V6q ->
- Comcast wants a chunk of the 600MHz auction. https://t.co/gI9gIO4E4d ->
- The problem with "spend more on your network" is that C-Link and Frontier don't have it. The money or the interest. https://t.co/pHeZCUP6NV ->
- Can't get OTA channels in your cable package? FCC says "not our problem". https://t.co/uaRrzp3Nyo ->
- Protectionist laws are killing broadband in Tennessee. https://t.co/6LTD8jLM26 ->
- CenturyLink will join Comcast in charging extra if you go over your cap. https://t.co/InQ2JYzH14 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2016-07-22
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