- Broadband Bytes for 2016-04-01 https://t.co/DZRL1e2ugn ->
- New GIS map shows where UTOPIA is and will be available in Layton. #utpol https://t.co/7KsrXVxifF ->
- Can better labeling and disclosure get a handle on the below-the-line fees? https://t.co/eegu4mNbqQ ->
- Wouldn't it be nice if more home developers included fiber? https://t.co/9fpGcRyrxz ->
- WiFi without solid wired broadband backing it is basically useless. https://t.co/qrgnaBVgoW ->
- Wait, you mean you shouldn't share your customer information willy-nilly? https://t.co/Z1oeQKPxLY ->
- Big incumbents are fine with public-private partnerships for fiber… as long as they're involved. https://t.co/3IxqzLgdQn ->
- We might have a case of gigabit fever, but the US average speed still isn't even broadband. https://t.co/37WAtmezBm ->
- Paid TV is becoming increasingly rare. https://t.co/9bf6VDu2PS ->
- Yet another premium network offers a streaming-only package. https://t.co/KoojVpR58X ->
- And again, giant incumbents want more government money to provide awful service. https://t.co/OXm6qrH3pA ->
- We're spending $20B more than we should on broadband because we lack competition. https://t.co/w4aQCIG47d ->
Broadband Bytes for 2016-04-08
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.