- Broadband Bytes for 2016-01-08 https://t.co/rcElMcAOxE ->
- Cities can hold incumbents' feet to the fire, if they want to. https://t.co/wm7W6v7cdc ->
- If it's this bad with self-reported data, what would a real investigation turn up? https://t.co/MgclIxfBgt ->
- Theory: squirrels and sharks are part of a vast global conspiracy to knock out utilities. https://t.co/tlIaHKBPvu ->
- For all their hype, CenturyLink really isn't installing much new fiber. https://t.co/RESsvHWtwJ ->
- Yeah, Comcast, my thank you card is in the mail. https://t.co/J4gPXoS3Ma ->
- Maybe the bigger problem here is that Comcast feels that it can hijack your connection at will. https://t.co/1Njwn2pteD ->
- Ready for some gigabit? Your chances are better than ever this year. https://t.co/Rvdfp01Ign ->
Broadband Bytes for 2016-01-15
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.