- Broadband Bytes for 2015-07-24 http://t.co/gzukSObFT9 ->
- DirecAT&TV. FCC Approves AT&T's $69 Billion DirecTV Merger, Announces It Late Friday And Hopes Nobody… http://t.co/cZ3EGu94Pz ->
- Cities have power. New York City Decides To Actually Pay Attention To Its Verizon Contracts After Getting Ripped… http://t.co/f7iXf7ghgW ->
- They blame it on the Easter Bunny I'm sure. Verizon, CenturyLink say abandoning copper network is a "myth" http://t.co/nEpQnEKenl ->
- I'm surprised there aren't more complaints. FCC has already gotten 2,000 “net neutrality” complaints http://t.co/kt7Nq5tlLh ->
- Some people don't care if they're online or not. Pew: 15% Simply Don't Use the Internet — and Often Don't Care http://t.co/0bdweU91x2 ->
- Next up: sharks replace the drones. Facebook: Our drones will use lasers to deliver 10Gbps Internet access http://t.co/aUBJlS5OXz ->
- And after years of saying "who needs fiber"… Cable operators to increase fiber cable, optical node use: IHS http://t.co/2JwvdJywdm ->
- By their logic, phone calls too. ISPs: Net neutrality rules are illegal because Internet access uses computers http://t.co/nuwQR5CBu4 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-07-31
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