- Broadband Bytes for 2015-06-19 http://t.co/sPwmRGsEsb ->
- Important lesson: wireless can't deliver next-gen speeds at reasonable prices to single-family homes. http://t.co/WczT8tgg6G ->
- It's pretty ballsy to demand more tax breaks when you suck that bad at your one job. http://t.co/afKYPyIqHf ->
- An interesting take on removing TV price controls. It might be a good thing, long-term. http://t.co/lsm8zEC6yB ->
- It's surprising to see a city fighting Big Red to make it keep its promises. http://t.co/sMsvW8NoJ4 ->
- Here comes the cord-cutting clue train, last stop is the cable company. http://t.co/2kpfeqhswP ->
- The biggest problem in net neutrality violations? Proving them. http://t.co/eSJjbBc3CP ->
- More people want to buy The Weather Channel than ESPN. Ouch. http://t.co/j0QSww70YB ->
- What isn't said: most rural fiber is build using a boatload of federal money. http://t.co/8hYPGpBfdy ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-06-26
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.
An update on where the Macquarie deal is at? Seems there was the push to get cities to sign up but no word after that first step. Is Macquarie still running numbers to see if it still works with those who agreed to participate?
The claim is that it’s not dead yet, but I have a feeling it may not survive once the public discussions start.
Do you know what sunk the deal? Lack of participation by all cities? something else?
No idea what’s pushing to be a year late. My gut is that the costs ended up being too high to be palatable with other cities backing out.
Midvale has a bunch of roads torn up for new pipelines to be installed. I wish they would have taken that opportunity to lay some fiber. I have a feeling I’ll have to move (again) if I want to see fiber internet at my house. Comcast bill just went up to $80/mo.