- Broadband Bytes for 2015-03-06 http://t.co/oE8SpENgeD ->
- Is it really "over the top" streaming when you jump from one exclusive partner to another? http://t.co/lTBMOCqEKb ->
- Big cable is driving small cable out of business. http://t.co/qbXVysSP6i ->
- CenturyLink sees gigabit as a marketing tool, not a serious product offering. http://t.co/48u7cJNrdS ->
- Full net neutrality rules are now available from the FCC. http://t.co/ZxVNE1fdXl ->
- A kid describes net neutrality pretty well actually. http://t.co/3Lo9ceNcF7 ->
- When a single downloadable game tops 100GB, how does a 250GB cap make any sense? http://t.co/C9xmvDUnCe ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-03-13
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