- Broadband Bytes for 2015-02-20 http://t.co/uiRDMURv6i ->
- We should be impressed at an electronics swap on decade-old fiber they didn't want to build in the first place? http://t.co/x7mwehF729 ->
- Is the FCC inadvertently enabling the kind of shakedowns that started the net neutrality debate? http://t.co/VKZ6EZYy1q ->
- Yet another reason to go with a paid streaming service instead of cable. http://t.co/g92B9ke6Xe ->
- No wonder these two profanity-laden peas in a pod want to merge. http://t.co/vcSO2RnSeC ->
- Google Fiber isn't enough to make incumbents behave. You need real competition to make them sweat. http://t.co/b63TfBNinS ->
- Maybe we need a cap on the number of stupid things Comcast reps can say. http://t.co/VaZM8ZxeAJ ->
- With the strong growth in fully remote employees, why do we still divide telecom into business and residential? http://t.co/4CBq2coU5k ->
- As usual, Comcast wants to offer low-income service on paper but not in practice. http://t.co/dwdgFWfgJX ->
- Same network, new branding. http://t.co/YXGZe0emjh ->
- FCC kills state restrictions on municipal telecom. http://t.co/2jrbCJPytM #utpol ->
- Verizon takes the mature high road approach to net neutrality. (Hint: no, not really.) http://t.co/o54wXgSJDZ ->
- Even Google is telling cities to quit being a slacker and do the work. http://t.co/Za7JLptPad ->
- Sure, the Internet is basically run on organized anarchy, but it still mostly works, right? http://t.co/6O0bgK3BZD ->
- Verizon just can't stop itself from lying about its use of Title II to make bank. http://t.co/b49KwxALWc ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-02-27
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