- Apparently you have to scare incumbents into building fiber. http://t.co/7xoI3a8G5q ->
- Apparently insulting name changes are standard operating procedure at Comcast. http://t.co/J5IfPr2Vtt ->
- Broadband Bytes for 2015-01-30 http://t.co/gHdb2P8Ilg ->
- The $10M question: fund opex shortfalls or build more revenue-generating network? http://t.co/PMSfU1X4p2 ->
- With a 97% profit margin and little telco competition, it's no wonder cable doesn't build fiber. http://t.co/sITc8EO79J ->
- How do you sell ISPs on IPv6? Talk dollars and cents. http://t.co/3CyNJzoCxE ->
- After redefinition, Comcast controls 56% of the US broadband market. http://t.co/BM4rlnYUPN ->
- Verizon is abandoning more wireline assets. http://t.co/lk4egTpR7P ->
- Rural wireless is getting the short straw. Again. http://t.co/c8u7zNLEc3 ->
- Watching TV takes a ratings nosedive. http://t.co/Pbkxqlm8Fo ->
- Are you paying to watch more TV ads? http://t.co/TytyGglVSq ->
- Title II is officially a go. http://t.co/Yb1ue7mfJl ->
- CenturyLink's fiber strategy is clear: only neighborhoods that are cheap to deploy and willing to pay big bucks. http://t.co/kfMB2GSm9V ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-02-06
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.
Regarding cables 97% profit on internet services, I expect it is very profitable but the 97% number is gross margin not profit. It doesn’t include depreciation etc. Comcast needs more competition, but let’s not let our accounting ignorance show when we advocate for more competition.