- Broadband Bytes for 2015-01-23 http://t.co/xxCcafceqv ->
- Want to learn how to build gigabit in your city? This four part webinar will tell you how. http://t.co/EbhaHJqPHY ->
- Show your support for muni broadband with your social media accounts. http://t.co/SiaC0USViy ->
- It's self-serving, but stopping programming blackouts would be a good thing. http://t.co/gPJORJDFtQ ->
- Cable hates higher definitions of broadband. http://t.co/L7yIt3s7i7 ->
- Your cable company may want to sell you a cell phone with WiFi-only service. http://t.co/xZjfXaik0e ->
- As if it wasn't obvious enough that CenturyLink wants to abandon the wireline residential market. http://t.co/ln2weMiKuS ->
- Sorry, SLC, but it looks like you probably didn't win the Google Fiber lottery. http://t.co/uDK5pU32hB ->
- Comcast has a new business: ghostwriting letters for politicians to support their merger. http://t.co/NfGMjLJiy5 ->
- Milestone 2 is out. FInd out what's in it and what it means for UTOPIA. http://t.co/JD3k4fvYCl #utpol ->
- I have a hard time feeling sympathy for poor picked-on CenturyLink. http://t.co/rxjOEp7hfb ->
- CenturyLink's "widespread" gigabit fiber covers a scant two blocks in Minneapolis. http://t.co/G54OJ5HOkU ->
- Remember how Frontier also buried its head in the sand in Tremonton? Good times. http://t.co/SNPyFCPfvY ->
- Surprise! Bad laws are holding up Google Fiber in SLC. http://t.co/hy46CW4hFV ->
- Nickelodeon is going over-the-top and a la carte. http://t.co/kRA2qyhUYt ->
- Better broadband linked to higher population growth. http://t.co/Fszow21KS7 ->
- Just like that, broadband is now defined as 25M/3M. http://t.co/q8wvGT9urP ->
- But, you know, Comcast is totally going to fix that customer service thing, right? http://t.co/DDiXSlYMCz ->
- In which Tom Wheeler trolls ISPs. Hard. http://t.co/Zza6tWQtUl ->
- Increasing the definition of broadband may have killed the Comcast merger. http://t.co/H9TU9QYNvP ->
- CenturyLink's fiber strategy? Roll it out to rich neighborhoods where they don't have to dig trenches. http://t.co/lPbybvyNrP ->
- Apparently big telcos aren't very good at turning multi-billion dollar subsidies into fiber service. http://t.co/QbOunDWlsX ->
- "If we reviewed U.S. broadband speeds at Maximum PC, we would give it a score of -10 and an ass-kicking." http://t.co/lqjDwuiSok ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-01-30
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.
I can’t get Utopia service so they are not an actual alternative to Comcast for 10M and above service. DSL is an alternative for 5M and lower.
If you look at Comcast Internet service offerings you see two distinct tiers a) 50M (the previous 25M upgraded to 50M) and above to compete with Utopia and b) 6M and lower to compete with DSL.
I need Utopia to succeed in areas already passed to keep the pressure on Comcast even if Utopia never passes my home. So I will cheer anything Utopia can do to improve their market share in areas already passed. Thus I cheer for Murray’s resent decision to go after the DSL market with a lower tier Utopia product.