- Whaddaya know? Gigabit raises your town's GDP. http://t.co/QlR7FdTIBS ->
- A la carte bill dies in the Senate. http://t.co/oKPTZhxhaz ->
- The business model of the Internet depends on pricing elasticity. Entertainment industries are finally catching on. http://t.co/XV5oCcMaYY ->
- Is safe harbor in the crosshairs? In California, it might be. http://t.co/69zLBcjvNS ->
- Broadband Bytes for 2014-09-19 http://t.co/b7bi6TTrvN ->
- FCC: If it's not legally broadband, no subsidies for you! http://t.co/sieCKRGyZq ->
- Most people who want to disconnect you from the Internet will fold when challenged. http://t.co/bf901nWa3l ->
- If it's done right, AT&T's proposal to let you buy QoS at the ISP level makes a lot of sense. http://t.co/bcvoSBc6u7 ->
- When is cherry-picking not cherry-picking? http://t.co/iZjvN8S0Yw ->
- AT&T offers up a weird bundle that includes some streaming services. http://t.co/06giA2Bh90 ->
- The guy who invented the WWW says competition is the only cure. http://t.co/X3ToEYatpN ->
- Are AUPs stifling the benefits of technology in the classroom? http://t.co/pRyGbCVU9O ->
- Google Fiber could be Hollywood's anti-piracy stooge. http://t.co/7Rz2Lvzsz6 ->
- A quick rundown of what's going on in net neutrality today. http://t.co/37WidMlvtZ ->
- From "we support municipal networks" to talking out of both sides of their mouth. http://t.co/GeuHVvu9wh ->
- The incumbent end game: hanging up entirely on low-margin customers. Forever. http://t.co/bDBEwYbggJ ->
- Professionals agree: fiber is the best wireless backhaul choice. http://t.co/iQh5DuT4iX ->
- Verizon: symmetrical connections for everyone. http://t.co/IFJmGMp2sP ->
- AT&T and Verizon: "caps are good for you! Because, you know, they're good for our bottom line." http://t.co/Mael0qPyoX ->
- Bear in mind that this 93 minutes per day is JUST Netflix, not other streaming video on top of it. http://t.co/EJ5DTiknV2 ->
- Comcast: "Competition is, like, too hard, man." http://t.co/PFjY6KRk2s ->
- Even with deep pockets, you can't just ape Netflix and succeed. http://t.co/uU34jVJh1E ->
- Would Comcast even exist in a truly competitive marketplace? http://t.co/6bWtkVD6SJ ->
Broadband Bytes for 2014-09-26
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