- There's about six weeks left to tell the FCC how you really feel about the Comcast merger. http://t.co/pGzzvajqU4 ->
- Rural incumbents: "everything in the sticks is just peachy!" http://t.co/9NVjMb0WLb ->
- Wireless is about to get another band for use, but it's going to be pretty limited in range. http://t.co/2ZcRlJVKPL ->
- Writers don't like fast lanes either. http://t.co/GuBhqdBGvq ->
- Broadband Bytes for 2014-07-11 http://t.co/Ia5npjrqUb ->
- Murray Mayor Eyre lists the city's concerns with the Macquarie deal. http://t.co/Q4t5PIbS6a ->
- E-Rate funds can now pay for internal WiFi networks. http://t.co/VYlEo4oUSG ->
- The FCC wants more captions on online videos. http://t.co/Vm7XkMUnll ->
- Part 1 of a three-part series on UTOPIA's current status and future options. http://t.co/eyXXw3sQ8j ->
- Unsurprisingly, most major tech companies aren't keen on fast lanes. http://t.co/kY4VmybyjV ->
- What, you thought the entertainment industry would throw in the towel after losing so badly on SOPA? http://t.co/fnGh5q8Lmz ->
- To be fair, Dish is also admittedly a pay TV company that already licenses the content. http://t.co/BdjBlAVqkH ->
- Layton is holding a meeting on UTOPIA and Macquarie tonight, 6:30PM, at Layton High School. http://t.co/Wt127Df1Eb #utpol ->
- It's ironic that this is coming from a company with data caps, but it's still true. http://t.co/LIM7Vsb0Xs ->
- The FCC wants to fix the USF. Good luck with that, guys. http://t.co/ddoOqAHDCK ->
- If Comcast likes it, there's probably a lot of bad stuff in there. http://t.co/ZsSPiypLVD ->
- Layton is holding a meeting on UTOPIA and Macquarie tonight, 6:30PM, at Northridge High School. http://t.co/cYsXq5gRAk #utpol ->
- Here comes a common carrier bill for ISPs. http://t.co/NMIXFpiMRf ->
- Thanks to its failing website, you still have a few more days to submit comments on net neutrality. http://t.co/Hd86wrcfPB ->
- Hey Chamber? If it's a density problem, why does broadband in major cities still suck too? http://t.co/h2bhCKOlxc ->
- The FCC could be blocked from overturning state bans on muni networks. http://t.co/QkW9oh189a ->
- I don't file comments with the FCC because I know it's a waste of my time. http://t.co/3nAISmUqd9 ->
- Part 2 of a three-part series on UTOPIA. http://t.co/M4TLlLILBr ->
- Comcast is certain that what it does is pro-customer. Seriously. http://t.co/GkfxrpNabd ->
- For the site's 1,000th post, I have to thank you, the readers, for showing up. http://t.co/qCi74uC21I ->
- More mayors should shame poor ISPs. http://t.co/6FcsxEyuhF ->
- Competition >>> net neutrality. http://t.co/uh8ciOZ8da ->
- Many of these problems also affect retransmission fee disputes. http://t.co/dVS17awMiS ->
- Comcast's customer service problems are probably unfixable. http://t.co/DTBVqywkUw ->
- The smoking gun: Netflix is faster on VPN. http://t.co/U5HiMO95ry ->
Broadband Bytes for 2014-07-18
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