Sen Valentine waffles on Amendment 2 to SB190

Sen John ValentineNo sooner did Sen. John Valentine promise to UTOPIA and Macquarie to withdraw Amendment 2 to SB190 than he started telling constituents that he hasn’t made up his mind yet. As previously covered, this amendment would keep Macquarie from doing the same kind of utility fee deal in new cities that it’s currently arranging with UTOPIA. It seems now that Sen. Valentine is dealing with UTOPIA and Macquarie in bad faith, telling them one thing while he tries to do another.

This means we need to keep up the email campaign to oppose it. In addition to hitting the Senate body, you should also contact Rep. James Dunnigan, the House sponsor, to let him know that you don’t want to support Amendment 2. The only way this goes through in a way to benefit all Utahns, not just those in UTOPIA cities, is if the bill is preserved as amended in the Senate Business and Labor Committee.

There’s only 13 days left in the legislative session. Make them count!

PS Yes, I have a GRAMA request in to see who’s been talking to Sen. Valentine about this bill.

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2 Responses to Sen Valentine waffles on Amendment 2 to SB190

  1. Chris C. says:

    We need to ALL continue to call and email Sen. Valentine!

    Per the email he’s sending to everyone:
    “I am still trying to decide whether to run it or leave the Bill as amended by the Committee. I would welcome you[sic] input on this next step.”

    If he’s seeking input, than let’s give him input!

    When I called to speak with the Senator at the work number listed on his senate page (link below), I was advised to email his assistant for this session (so, use home number), Rob Bishop, I’ve included his email address as well:

    Senator John L. Valentine
    Senate Page
    [email protected]

    Rob Bishop
    [email protected]

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