Bill Alert: HB60 held again

Rep. Curt Webb has held HB60 again to make some additional modifications. It will be heard again either Wednesday or Friday. I’ll post more as it becomes available, though notice of the agenda change wasn’t made until minutes before the committee meeting. CenturyLink is definitely watching this one as their head lobbyist, Eric Isom, was spotted outside the committee room.

Rep. Webb was also on a radio interview opposite Pete Ashdown and was reportedly unable to articulate a good reason to pass the bill. I’m hoping he withdraws it before there’s more egg on his face.

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One Response to Bill Alert: HB60 held again

  1. Chris C. says:

    We’ll have to continue to press the committee members to stop this horrible legislation.

    Get family and friends to contact the committee members along with their local Representative and Senator.

    Members of the House Government Operations Standing Committee:
    * Rep. Jack R. Draxler, Chair ([email protected])
    * Rep. Ken Ivory, Vice Chair ([email protected])
    * Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck ([email protected])
    * Rep. Janice M. Fisher ([email protected])
    * Rep. Keith Grover ([email protected])
    * Rep. John G. Mathis ([email protected])
    * Rep. Michael E. Noel ([email protected])
    * Rep. Lee B. Perry ([email protected])
    * Rep. Kraig Powell ([email protected])

    There is also a petition that can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, etc. (

    You can also contact the Governor’s office and ask that he and his office oppose the legislation.


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