- Broadband Bytes for 2013-12-06 http://t.co/8hnPkJ3jaV ->
- Yet another reminder that CenturyLink loves taking subsidies. http://t.co/oQ2UmEBX4z ->
- Remember when Ars asked for ISP horror stories? They've delivered in spades. http://t.co/PaCijmTrOA ->
- From the "you don't say" department: it's hard to get financing for fiber projects. http://t.co/xY9XaPTeBo ->
- Less-than-shocking: video streaming is driving bandwidth use way up. http://t.co/7Ot5ztW3PP ->
- Google Fiber runs into the same pole attachment problems as everyone else. http://t.co/L5XUyVKRGD ->
- Sure, CenturyLink will expand FTTH, but only in the areas with a VERY fast ROI (aka not your neighborhood). http://t.co/wmut8xGGH1 ->
- Just like DSL and DOCSIS, wireless has to use more channels, not bigger ones. http://t.co/F0YRxAHJHH ->
- Verizon is done laying fiber. http://t.co/szjyznyszM ->
- The latest "blood from a copper turnip" only goes a scant 250 meters. http://t.co/GvLdHY0kza ->
- Google Fiber on UTOPIA? Only if Google lost its distaste for open access, methinks. http://t.co/OEft4rOc19 ->
- What do we learn from Australia's NBN issues? That local government usually does is better.. http://t.co/SQUjd4ecjN ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-12-13
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