- Broadband Bytes for 2013-11-29 http://t.co/aMymRWpBIE ->
- Want a gig from your existing ISP? You probably need competition to get it. http://t.co/yZdvpwvtBA ->
- Is there a top-tier ISP interested in UTOPIA? All signs point to yes. http://t.co/6kTmI97exi ->
- Bear in mind that this low-latency solution 1) doesn't provide lots of bandwidth and 2) tanks with congestion. http://t.co/3RQU6p7yUg ->
- Make no mistake: the dismantling of reliable wireline service is the real goal and a big step back. http://t.co/6EWJzPyig9 ->
- Broadband subscribers grow almost as slowly as broadband speeds. http://t.co/utW622NePH ->
- Tor as an Internet standard? It could happen. http://t.co/qwZgmBBX0R ->
- After getting the low-hanging fruit, the UK wants to censor more of the Internet. http://t.co/druwizGRJ3 ->
- CenturyLink is hiking your DSL price. http://t.co/KXmmlAmMXn ->
- Comcast goes full-on head-in-the-sand about their customer service issues. http://t.co/ngLtytUxxx ->
- Where can you expect to see Comcast's usage caps? In uncompetitive areas, naturally. http://t.co/jUMiHVzJwT ->
- Transport could be getting a whole lot cheaper. http://t.co/v1rBl4QDzJ ->
- New FCC head: "I pinky swear we'll get competition right this time. Hey, why are you laughing?" http://t.co/vDPPPqZoNn ->
- Think it's just home users hurting for bandwidth? Think again. http://t.co/FCcMxFuMr9 ->
- An ugly side to Google Fiber: low-income cities will get redlined. http://t.co/yIA43aZZBm ->
- Prioritization isn't a bad thing. Throttling unless you pay more money is. http://t.co/Pq5mDigueN ->
- Got an ISP horror story? Ars wants to hear it. http://t.co/WiZ6c9PZE9 ->
- How about that? Fiber is about to experience another 10-fold speed bump. http://t.co/2Oj80wdIzl ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-12-06
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