- Broadband Bytes for 2013-10-18 http://t.co/G0OXpSay3Y ->
- Paid TV packages aren't worth it for most folks. http://t.co/5bYjSftGrL ->
- How big is streaming? So big that Netflix almost has more customers than HBO. http://t.co/DeUba5khld ->
- The point of gigabit is to never ask "do I have enough bandwidth?" http://t.co/P6Y8N9vMr4 ->
- Brace yourselves: new gTLDs have arrived. http://t.co/HXHKA1gGv4 ->
- Not mentioned: cable companies don't have the plant to back it up. http://t.co/12WcVcAsJl ->
- Not shocking: a cable lobbyist that thinks you should pay more for broadband. http://t.co/KcLiTrRLac ->
- Half of all businesses are home-based. This is why we need gigabit. http://t.co/p3xGzp03Mm ->
- Comcast will let you buy HBO without buying cable. http://t.co/S1wIadpuyR ->
- ISPs are starting to fight back against mass piracy lawsuits. http://t.co/Kco4ZTTOo6 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-10-25
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