- Broadband Bytes for 2013-08-23 http://t.co/Yr4bmd4Fju ->
- Shockingly, people will pay extra to keep their privacy intact. http://t.co/i0oqLRnIhY ->
- Kevin Spacey rakes the modern TV industry over the coals for not giving viewers control. http://t.co/lPb3ZEr2bf ->
- Cost keeps people from getting broadband. http://t.co/f6ztHLoomo ->
- AT&T finds 45M/6M connections brag-worthy. http://t.co/X10FAMOIz8 ->
- Only one of the top ten Internet cities is in the US. http://t.co/dhQI54YBin ->
- Feeling the Google Heat: Comcast will bump speeds to 250Mbps/50Mbps in Provo http://t.co/ZLyTIsVqlt ->
- This is why many telcos with copper and HFC plants merge them into a single fiber plant. http://t.co/VGm7KcjkUZ ->
- If you run a non-profit organization in Provo, you might want to talk to Google about scoring free service. http://t.co/jNZSo7HzwK ->
- Comcast and EA team up for twice the crappiness. http://t.co/ilfovKLLhQ ->
- I'd bet that Tor usage is up because people don't like being snooped on. http://t.co/npMR7mN2yY ->
- Cue the theme from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. http://t.co/1uA1hSYWjD ->
- Encryption may soon not be enough. http://t.co/Xak49bJJSQ ->
- Think gigabit is overkill? Think again. http://t.co/kdXVTfZPZy ->
- Weak SSL keys are unacceptable. http://t.co/1N4euK2O1R ->
- CenturyLink might have actually done the first speed bump in 4 years. http://t.co/7DB7Br8PUK ->
- Related: phone companies can barely keep up with them, so why buy new hardware? http://t.co/SfGHUHIYF4 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-08-30
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