- Phone companies don't care about NSA spying. http://t.co/I0nYRKSDky ->
- Math problem: would you rather have 95% of 7Mbps or 75% of 40Mbps? http://t.co/gVagIgG4CZ ->
- XMission gives us an idea of what an NSA tap looks like. http://t.co/MCo7W2nWLN ->
- Aereo will be available here Real Soon Now(TM). http://t.co/ZmviPcXLbO ->
- The UK is ignoring the collateral damage caused by this war. http://t.co/4Ye3qf1UfK ->
- Is it any wonder the NSA wants access to Google's network? http://t.co/dWyyEkVKIS ->
- Irresponsible Orem candidates refuse to actually talk to UTOPIA. http://t.co/KVSgrx0Fed ->
- Pointing out how tech changes employment sometimes gets dangerously close to "get off my lawn"-ism. http://t.co/at0pFnDUqB ->
- Verizon thinks you'll pay the same price for their 500Mbps as UTOPIA's gigabit. http://t.co/POPiNSqeKw ->
- Provo finalizes the Google Fiber deal. http://t.co/ld92b4gicV ->
- US broadband still lags. We're number 9! We're number 9! http://t.co/LlzPTy6G68 ->
- Protect your privacy, go to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. http://t.co/ykdyGMeBlt ->
- Aereo might give cable an edge in retransmission disputes. http://t.co/mjlfi0WBUl ->
- How about that? Utah's a pretty speedy state. http://t.co/BeGQBf8DQc ->
- The feds could completely break SSL as a useful standard. http://t.co/Glc4rPgC2O ->
- 300Mbps over 200m? That's really unimpressive. http://t.co/BufJw7iBlC ->
- Twitter's API Broke Broadband Bytes http://t.co/oc5MtTdFbd ->
- Another reason to move to fiber: theives don't want to steal it. http://t.co/NajmBfzcKA ->
- Google Fiber bans running servers, says "screw you" to start-ups and businesses. http://t.co/DXXJpcChss ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-07-26
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