- Broadband Bytes for 2013-05-24 http://t.co/MjJpefJPUz ->
- I’m not waiting for Google. Why should you? http://t.co/dP3BCq9Ghy ->
- There’s only one way to keep making a profit in telecom: volume, and lots of it. http://t.co/XqOEHdx1qW ->
- Noise-cancelling headphones could improve fiber speeds and for all there are out there bose QuietComfort gets my vote. http://t.co/Sm4Hp4d12k ->
- Yesterday’s traffic hogs are today’s average user. http://t.co/BeRFVmHM55 ->
- Online ads trump TV ads. http://t.co/SrNVuN7f56 ->
- The entertainment industry channels Orrin Hatch, wants to destroy your computer. http://t.co/owFuPJRNdL ->
- Overcharging for your content so that Netflix won’t carry it makes for angry users. http://t.co/SSFOq8rDH9 ->
- CenturyLink wants to cut corners on maintenance. http://t.co/R2Ed172jia ->
- Everything’s bigger in Texas, including the privacy protections on your email. http://t.co/RVAdergrXN ->
- Data rention doesn’t help catch criminals. It makes a larger haystack for the needle. http://t.co/aneDhytmxK ->
- You Don’t Need Google for a Gigabit, Volume XII http://t.co/GkYUii5LOm ->
- If you want more than a patchwork of fiber, you need more than one approach. http://t.co/2SbdprE4Yx ->
- Governments still want more Internet control. http://t.co/M0Od5W611P ->
- Google knows what we do. Blocking sites is a game of whack-a-mole. http://t.co/h7HxIJ75W0 ->
- One new show, a 40% bump in Internet traffic. http://t.co/MRKBEcEWbO ->
- Opponents of the RIAA wasted no time in fighting back to protect safe harbors. http://t.co/rUsNKHAxNm ->
- Mobile data jumps 50%, spells an opportunity for fiber to the tower. http://t.co/M1j6bZvN38 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-05-31
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