- Verizon starts to completely end wireline service in copper towns. http://t.co/CaoluSKc0u ->
- Broadband Bytes for 2013-05-03 http://t.co/v0DTiXrk6n ->
- Is CenturyLink doing fiber-to-the-home or fiber-to-the-press release? http://t.co/5O48mFKVer ->
- Dutch police are essentially authorized to commit acts of war. http://t.co/2Hdv20wnCm ->
- CenturyLink's entire DSL network goes down. http://t.co/darBI6ZoR5 ->
- Broadband plans don't work because there's not enough competition. http://t.co/2akDbJbVU9 ->
- This is why overbuilders usually fail: most of them don't have Google's brand awareness or $50B cash in the bank. http://t.co/ijglRMy1A6 ->
- More Google Fiber announcements, but, again, in Kansas City suburbs. http://t.co/N0ZyDyrD0a ->
- Yes, The White House is also backing backdoors. http://t.co/zepxs1zV1U ->
- CenturyLink has no shame in seeking government assistance. Just ask Louisiana. http://t.co/DZM5PxAzdE ->
- Murray's looking at a utility model for UTOPIA that would finish the build-out. http://t.co/5UjH1Z4DU0 ->
- I'm answering your questions on Reddit today. Come on over. http://t.co/csSgQ3S7Ii ->
- Warrant? Warrant?! We don't need no stinkin' warrant! http://t.co/a3RDvztv3A ->
- New 'a la carte' bill comes to Congress. http://t.co/d9geAQgcl1 ->
- Google is doing a lot of collateral damage with their newfound disdain for open access. http://t.co/RS9TO0VuoG ->
- It's no surprise that CenturyLink is losing broadband subscribers and tons of revenue. http://t.co/AqLCDGLTyh ->
- YouTube wants in on the paid content game. http://t.co/53Zf20hrNk ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-05-10
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