- Broadband Bytes for 2013-03-22 http://t.co/KQh0EaaunC ->
- US Senate backs letting states collect sales taxes on online purchases. http://t.co/lH1mxYC6OA ->
- A telecommuting Congress? http://t.co/FNGBNl72L1 ->
- Cable's plan? Squeeze even more blood out of their coax turnip. http://t.co/V5Aijx4veO ->
- Is it possible to use the Internet without leaving a trace? http://t.co/TH5Vcrkyuh ->
- Those hot new devices may drag carriers kicking and screaming into a fiber future. http://t.co/Zj3hWTtNTX ->
- FCC avoids talking about competition for fear of upsetting any apple carts. http://t.co/d0lGP1jAvA ->
- Solar + white spaces = broadband in third world countries. http://t.co/502dwY3LuN ->
- Santa Clara rolls smart meters and free WiFi into a single project. http://t.co/u3SpLGd4lW ->
- Record DDoS hits 300Gbps http://t.co/OwrJraUO3o ->
- No surprise: FBI wants to tap your email, chat, and online gaming. http://t.co/khEClwFWpe ->
- New fiber cables bring lower latency and higher speeds. http://t.co/GxqxnkPfsB ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-03-29
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