- Is "six strikes" SOPA Lite? http://t.co/dYMksekJY3 ->
- How many devices do you have hooked up to the Internet? http://t.co/RZrYT8dQpe ->
- Google Fiber expands… to a Kansas City neighbor. http://t.co/OHV0o6kh3J ->
- The Internet is full of poorly secured devices. http://t.co/tbKMXkEPC5 ->
- COPPA is scheduled to get tougher. MUCH tougher. http://t.co/WdVHN3CIos ->
- Swedes can get a taste of what a pure over-the-top video operation is like. http://t.co/fTF6cCPPTM ->
- Does the Internet need a revamp? http://t.co/uqQjR4Z8VG ->
- Here's an idea: what if what we really want are a la carte shows rather than a la carte channels? http://t.co/xr6lY2Xvhw ->
- Short version: HBO is scared to cheese off cable companies. http://t.co/tz6GIrZ4Vc ->
- Doing a big of blog clean-up. http://t.co/rOVKsm34QC ->
- Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Genachowski. http://t.co/2O1RwHsTeh ->
- Sure, take the online class, but don't expect credit. http://t.co/kylz9XqWt7 ->
- If you can't get an awesome connection, why not pool several mediocre ones? http://t.co/wZkrMAYrgE ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-03-22
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