- China goes IPv6 http://t.co/EjNyeoybkk ->
- Is P2P a viable replacement for multicast? http://t.co/krj5pWMiRY ->
- Monopolist provides crappy service, gets booted, and then sues everyone. http://t.co/IIiZzL1BvB ->
- College is moving from The U to The .edu. http://t.co/kNrnzjFpXL ->
- California may provide the tipping point for online classes. http://t.co/jz1I7Y4ESe ->
- Doing a half terabit over the Pacific Ocean. http://t.co/cjqJT3905k ->
- Nielsen pulls its head out of the sand and realizes that we're sick of paying too much for TV. http://t.co/d3FiiXrWtP ->
- Want to get people online? Get the hooked on a free trial. http://t.co/vOFgRTqq4m ->
- CenturyLink caught unevenly enforcing their caps. http://t.co/OyTjvhYbGg ->
Broadband Bytes for 2013-03-15
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