- Did a lack of quality broadband almost kill OnLive? http://t.co/GKz42wAN #
- UTOPIA is running short on operating revenue, but it's not unplanned. http://t.co/YS6O0f3e #
- The lawyers are still duking it out over the Burwash/Hogan/UTOPIA flap. http://t.co/6Z2BUtJQ #
- UTOPIA corrects the Standard-Examiner. http://t.co/g4csCzZO #
- The DNC rolls out their tech platform. http://t.co/LHivOCcw #
- Google Fiber isn't quite as free market as you want it to be. http://t.co/HST134Dg #
- Daily Herald stumbles again. Fees are for WAY old users only, and usually come with big speed bumps. http://t.co/KJf8qq2K #
- Fox will stream movies before you can buy the disc. http://t.co/hs8qhYgM #
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