Not content to pen astroturf editorials and send deceptive last-minute postcards, the Utah “Taxpayers” Association has plans to hold an anti-UTOPIA rally in Orem on July 13. The BBQ/carnival (heh) will be in Orem City Park, 300 E Center St, from 5-7PM. I’d encourage UTOPIA supporters to show up in a counter-protest to correct what will undoubtedly be a series of half-truths, hyperbole, and plain old-fashioned lying. And, unlike my challenge to a throw-down that went unanswered, they can’t exactly run away from you if you call them on it.
As always, be respectful and don’t act like a jerk. You aren’t going to win anyone over with an attitude. I’d like to be there myself, but I’ll be out of town on business.
Who from the UTA will be there? Any State
Legislators? Senators? City Councilmen?
Their anyway to send you a private message Jesse? I have some entertaining news I don’t want to air publicly yet.
Dan: I’d bet that Royce Van Tassel will be there along with likely Sen. Stephenson and Rep. Frank. I find it rather amusing that they won’t tell anyone who’s coming as if they have something to hide.
Ronald: I sent you an e-mail.
Why do we need broadband funded by tax dollars? Why can’t we just stick to the good ol’ standbys like Qwest and Comcast? They don’t cost us any tax dollars, right?
Actually, the tax dollars they receive dwarf the money UTOPIA has spent, even on a per capita basis. However, at the end of the day, Qwest gets to keep it all and maintain their monopoly.
Check this story out ( They’re asking for $350 Million of our tax dollars to build their network. Even this is dwarfed in comparison to the tens of billions they get in overpriced fed contracts. Even our own State of Utah Department of Technology Services awards all of their contracts to Qwest without going to bid. Why doesn’t the Utah Taxpayers Association go after them for wasteful spending of tax dollars? Oh yeah, Qwest is a known contributor to the UTA. Nevermind.
I have no problems with local government doing something I’ve asked them to do (open access FTTH) and can sign up for on a voluntary basis (i.e. UTOPIA), with local oversight (UTOPIA Board of Directors made up of city representatives). I hate Qwest and Comcast, and I hate even more that I am constantly having to pay for them through my tax dollars via subsidies and Universal Service Fund taxes with no oversight, local say, or options.