- (@elforesto) Time Warner finally lets go of the AOL ball-and-chain. http://is.gd/If0b #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Mark Cuban is still a clueless idiot when it comes to the Internet. http://is.gd/If1E #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Broadband subscribers will top 700M by 2013 and be driven by 3rd-world countries. http://is.gd/If5R #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Internet video devices will quadruple by 2013. http://is.gd/IieZ #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Verizon may be thinking about metered billing. http://is.gd/IiBE #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Time Warner just doesn’t get this Twitter thing. http://is.gd/IlpZ #freeutopia #
- (@elforesto) Time Warner is also dumb enough to try reviving the metered billing plan. http://is.gd/InfU #freeutopia #
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