Hugh Matheson e-mailed to clarify some of the stats from Tremonton. The close rate is close to 50% – that is that half of homes visited end up taking service. The total take rate is hovering around 20% of all residents right now, still not bad for 10 weeks work. The door-to-door effort is being held up a bit by the inclement weather we’ve had lately. Also: in a lot of cases, folks are either unreceptive to any door-to-door sales or just aren’t home when someone comes by.
Even with numbers revised lower, it shows that an agressive marketing campaign with boots on the ground can do a lot to boost take rates. Maybe we need to get together and do guerilla marketing in a UTOPIA-ready neighborhood?
Still not to bad if their current rate of customer hookup’s their is kept up they will probly be able to maintain their rate of 300-400 sub’s per month just off of tremonton. And with the work on the other area’s with stranded assets maybe they can double/triple the number of installs per month without to much trouble. I do wish they would release some more detailed information and/or a timeline on their current work. Qwest has been doing work here in layton(i am guessing for FTTN) would be nice to see utopia beat them.