As further evidence that the transition of iProvo’s Mstar customers to Broadweave is filled with potholes, I’ve heard that Mstar abruptly shut down customer e-mail addresses without any warning or notification from either Mstar or Broadweave, the company who bought those customers. Combine that with a total lack of notification on billing changes (Mstar is reportedly still getting payments from customers they no longer service) and it appears that the highly-touted customer service Broadweave promised has ended up a dud.
I guess George Stewart picked a good time to leave the city council, now didn’t he?
Broadweave is currently in talks to try and get all the mstar provo customer’s email’s turned back on for a week. If and when that happens, we can expect to see a notification email blasted out multiple times a day to all the accounts, mstarmetro and broadweave.
As for the customer service, I’ve found it to be amazingly better than that of Mstar. Good job Broadweave!
Actually, both Mstar and Broadweave have sent out multiple notifications.
Luke: I’ve had more than a few comments indicating that there hasn’t been any notification via mail or e-mail. Are those folks just somehow missing it? This is the first time I’ve had anyone speak to the contrary so I’m really curious to know. At the least, notifications that are being sent aren’t reaching everyone.
I never heard anything. Then again, I rarely check that account and may have overlooked it. I learned long ago not to bother with ISP centric email address, ISPs change or change their names far too often.
Multiple notifications were indeed sent by both companies, including a letter with full instructions on setting up new Broadweave email accounts. There are always some people who overlook notices like these without reading them.
In this case, people are already so wary about customer service, they’re quick to conclude it was a lack of notification to blame and not the usual curve of people who actually read information sent out. In any case, is it all that surprising that more than a month after a company transfers its customers to another company, it would shut off the email accounts it had to service for us?
I think ideally there should have been an agreement between the companies that gave customers a choice to not lose their email address. Basically for customers that requested it, Mstar should have offered a free forwarding (easy one step function with their Registrar) and Broadweave should have agreed to pay for any costs, which should be minimal, like $10/year to add domain wide forwarding – (not $10 / user, more like pennies per user per year).
I know that if I ever had to change my email address it would be a nightmare, there’s no way I could track down every single person that knows it, and even if I did, there’s far from 100% chance they would all update their address books.
[Oops: forgot to paste last paragraph of my comment]
That’s not a burden that should be placed on paying customers.
This is among the many reasons why I use an e-mail address that’s independent of my ISP. Relocating is a serious pain. Hopefully Mstar will restore access without many lost messages to give customers a chance to retreive them.
And Broadweave? A little more public communication would do wonders. The uncertainty of what’s going on isn’t helping anything.
I believe the “letters” Lauren mentioned above were email letters. Not the best way in communicate something important, given people get so much spam and have a number of ever changing email addresses.
I still find it odd that a company would pay $40 million for the network and then fail to pay 40 cents to send a letter welcoming the new customers.
An article in the Daily Herald confirmed that the e-mail notification was the only notification sent. On the one hand, it makes sense as the users actively using their accounts would be most likely to see it and it’s cheap to do. On the other hand, spam filters are rather aggressive and, depending on the subject line, it could have been deleted without having even been opened.
This still doesn’t speak to the rate and channel lineup changes that are sure to come and the FCC-mandated notification that has yet to have gone out. Way to cheap out, Broadweave, especially when we know you’re reading this and seem bent on ignoring good advice.