One day, I decided to find out what I needed to do to get UTOPIA service at my home in White City. To my chagrin, state law prohibits unincorporated areas of Utah from participating in the UTOPIA project, and the e-mail response I got advised me to contact my elected officials to get the law changed so that I could get service in my area. I decided to go one better: start this website to not only advocate the change in the law, but act as an advocate for municipal broadband in general.
My purpose is to make sure elected officials know that there are 180,000 residents in Salt Lake County alone that are ineligible for UTOPIA or other municipal broadband projects unless they change this law. As unincorporated areas of Utah continue to grow at incredible rates, more and more people will be shut out from participating in the best competition to the local cable and telephone companies.
Want to get UTOPIA in your area? Check to see if you're in one of the participating cities. If you live in a city, write to your city council and mayor. If you're stuck in an unservicable area like I am, petition your county and state leaders to take action and get UTOPIA to your home now!